
Междисциплинарное знание Естествознание Физико-математические науки Химия Науки о Земле Биологические науки Техника Сельское и лесное хозяйство Медицина Социальные науки. Обществознание Исторические науки Экономика Политика Право Военное дело Культурология Науковедение Образование Физическая культура СМИ и книжное дело Культурно-досуговая деятельность Библиотечная, библиографическая и научно-информационная деятельность Охрана памятников. Музеи. Архивы Филология в целом Языкознание Фольклор Литературоведение Художественная литература Искусство Религия Философия Психология Литература универсального содержания
Показаны записи 21-40 из 7,995.
21Hadi S. H., Darus MaslinaA Class of Harmonic (p, q)- Starlike Functions Involving a Generalized (p, q)-Bernardi Integral OperatorPDF2023
22Sharma Sonali, Raj KuldipA New Approach to Egorov’s Theorem by Means of αβ Statistical Ideal ConvergencePDF2023
23Habbachi Y., Bouras В.A Note for the Dunkl-Classical PolynomialsPDF2022
24Chou Y. -L.A Note on almost Uniform Continuity of Borel Functions on Polish Metric SpacesPDF2022
25Dhaigude R. M., Bagul Y. J.A Note on the Becker-Stark Type InequalitiesPDF2022
26Lakshmi A. VenkataA Solution to Qi`s Eighth Open Problem on Complete MonotonicityPDF2021
27Комаров Михаил АнатольевичA lower bound for the L[2][-1; 1]-norm of the logarithmic derivative of polynomials with zeros on the unit circle PDF2019
28Choudhury B. S., Metiya N., Kundu S.A multivalued Fixed Point Result with Associated Data Dependece and Stability StudyPDF2022
29Shagari Mohammed Shehu, Ogbumba Rosemary O., Yahaya SirajoA new approach to Jaggi–Wardowski-type fixed point theoremsPDF2024
30Волчков Валерий Владимирович, Волчков Виталий ВладимировичA new characterization of holomorphic functions in the unit diskPDF2018
31Jbeli SobhiA new characterization of q-Chebyshev polynomials of the second kindPDF2024
32Abhishikta Das, Dipti Barman, T. BagA new generalization of George & Veeramani - type fuzzy metric spacePDF2024
33Khalfallah MohamedA new generator of third-degree linear formsPDF2024
34Vuorinen MarjaA nobleman with bourgeois attitudes: N. H. Pinello challenging the political role of the finnish noble estatePDF2018
35Bharti NikhilA normal criterion concerning sequence of functions and their differential polynomialsPDF2024
36Naik S., Nath P. K.A note on a two-parameter family of operators A{b;c} on weighted Bergman spacesPDF2019
37Rostamian Delavar M., Dragomir S. S., De La Sen M.A note on characterization of h-convex functions via Hermite - Hadamard type inequality PDF2019
38Selmi BilelA note on the effect of projections on both measures and the generalization of q-dimension capacityPDF2016
39Антонцев Станислав Николаевич, Кузнецов Иван Владимирович, Саженков Сергей АлександровичA shock lauer arising as the source term collapses in the P(X)-laplacian equationPDF2020
40Matej´ıcka L.A solution to fourth qi´s conjecture on a complete monotonicityPDF2020