Данные Dubline Core
Харцев Сергей Иванович, Гришин Александр Михайлович, Мануилов Сергей Александрович
Физика, Y[3]Fe[5]0[12], пленки железо-иттриевого граната, кремний, ферриты, магнитостатические волны, железо-иттриевый гранат, кремниевые подложки, иттрий-железистый гранат, yttrium-iron-garnet fi lms, magnetostatic waves
Using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and post-annealing we fabricated polycrystalline yttrium iron garnet fi lms (YIG) on silicon Si(001) substrates. A temperature of 1000 °C and an annealing time of 10 min result the fi lms with low coercivity Hc = 14 Oe and magnetic losses Δ H = 17 Oe accompanied by effective saturation magnetization 4 πMeff = 1800 Gs. High quality of the YIG fi lms synthesized on Si substrates allowed simple observation of the magnetostatic waves (MSWs) using MSW fi lter. MSWs spectrums cover 2–5 GHz frequency range and represent magnetostatic surface waves (MSSW) and magnetostatic forward volume waves (MSFVW) geometries. Observations were found to be in the reasonable agreement with qualitative theoretical predictions.