Данные Dubline Core
Валдаева Елена Викторовна
морфология, Биология, сезонные изменения, микроорганизмы, Testacea, протозоология, раковинные амёбы, биологические виды, Protozoology, Morphology, Seasonal Dynamics, Species, Microorganisms
The aim of this work is to study the Testacea variety in pine biogeocenoses of Karelia. The species variety of soil testate amoebae (Rhizopoda, Testacea) was studied in the pine biogeocenoses of the PetrSU Botanical Garden (Oxalis Pine Forest) and the Kivach Reserve (Cowberry Pine Forest). Research results: during the research period (2019―2020), 28 species of testate amoebae were identified. The largest amount of species that were detected in the soils of the studied biotopes are Trinema lineare, Trinema complanatum, Nebela militaris, Cyclopyxis eurystoma and species of the genus Euglypha. The largest number of found species in the Pine Forest of the Kivach Reserve. There was a suggestion about the influence of anthropogenic load and small fertile soil layer on quantitative composition of protozoa in Botanical Garden. The number of Rhizopoda species changes during the whole survey period in both biotopes.