Раздел журнала/сборника: История

Чернякова Ирина Александровна

Local Karelian Parish community as object for social and demographic research: Yalguba area in context of XIXth century archival quantitative documentary sources

The author’s attention is focused on the archival historical documentary sources of mass character – metric books, minutes of soul revisions, confessional lists. A complex comparative analysis of the information concerning South Karelian parish territory enabled to collect verifiable demographical data. On the example of Yalguba local community the traditional network of settlements has been examined. The initial complexity of administrative subordination and inner oscillatory development, the quantitative characteristics of population in different times and instability of growing processes have been discovered. This publication represents the first part of the article, which will be continued in the next issue.

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Описание документа
Чернякова И. А. Local Karelian Parish community as object for social and demographic research: Yalguba area in context of XIXth century archival quantitative documentary sources / И. А. Чернякова // Учен. зап. Петрозавод. гос. ун-та. Сер.: Общественные и гуманитарные науки. — 2012. — № 5 (126). — С. 30-35. — Текст на англ. яз. — URL: http://elibrary.petrsu.ru/books/20064 (дата обращения: 22.02.2025)

Издатель: Издательство ПетрГУ

Copyright: Петрозаводский государственный университет

Место издания: Петрозаводск

Год издания: 2012