Integral Resolvent for Volterra Equations and Favard Spaces

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Все статьи сборника:
Ahmad O., Ahmadini Abdullah A. H., Ahmad M.
Nonuniform Super Wavelets in L2(K)Alb Lupa¸s A.
Subordination Results for a Fractional Integral OperatorArgyros I. K., George S., Argyros C.
A Ball Comparison between Extended Modified Jarratt Methods under the same Set of Conditions for Solving Equations and Systems of EquationsChoudhury B. S., Metiya N., Kundu S.
A multivalued Fixed Point Result with Associated Data Dependece and Stability StudyDhaigude R. M., Bagul Y. J.
A Note on the Becker-Stark Type InequalitiesFadili A., Maragh F.
Integral Resolvent for Volterra Equations and Favard SpacesNath J., Tripathy B. C., Bhattacharya B.
On Strongly almost Convergence of Double Sequences via Complex uncertain VariableSwamy S. R., Yal ¸cın S.
Coefficient Bounds for Regular and BI-Univalent Functions Linked with Gegenbauer PolynomialsQasim Idrees
Refinement of some Bernstein Type Inequalities for Rational Functions