Проблемы анализа – Issues of Analysis. 2024. Т. 13 (31). № 3
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Все статьи сборника:
Chana A., Akhlidj А.
Uncertainty principles and Calderón's formulas for the deformed Hankel L2 α - multiplier operatorsAbhishikta Das, Dipti Barman, T. Bag
A new generalization of George & Veeramani - type fuzzy metric spaceJ. Hossain, S. Debnath
On ℐK- convergence of sequences of bi-complex numbersКузоватов В. И., Бушкова А. С.
On calculating sums of some double seriesPuvar S. V., Vyas R. G.
Common fixed point in G-metric spaces via generalized Γ-CF -simulation functionMuhammad Rafique, Talat Nazir, Hemanta Kalita
Fixed points of fuzzy multivalued F-contractive mappings with a directed graph in parametric metric spacesRather N. A., Naseer Wani, Aijaz Bhat
Integral mean estimate for polynomials with restricted zerosTurmetov B.Kh.
On solvability of some boundary-value problems for the non-local poisson equation with fractional-order boundary operators