Проблемы анализа – Issues of Analysis. 2023. Т. 12 (30). № 3
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Все статьи сборника:
Аиткужина Наркес Нурмухаметовна, Гайсин Ахтяр Магазович, Гайсин Рашит Ахтярович
Regular growth of Dirichlet series of the class D(Ф) on curves of bounded K-slopeAshurov R.R., Kadirkulov B.J., Turmetov B.Kh.
On the inverse problem of the Bitsadze-Samarskii type for a fractional parabolic equationГарифьянов Фархат Нургаязович, Стрежнева Елена Васильевна
On applications of the Dihedral group to interpolation problems for entire functionsGhosh S., Saha P., Roy S., Choudhury B. S.
Strong coupled fixed points and applications to fractal generations in fuzzy metric spacesГраф Сергей Юрьевич, Никитин И. А.
Planar harmonic mappings with a given JacobianHabbachi Y.
Second structure relation for the Dunkl-classical orthogonal polynomialsKalita H.
The weak drop property and the de la Vallée Poussin TheoremPuvar S. V., Vyas R. G.
Rational type cyclic contraction in G-metric spaces