
Междисциплинарное знание Естествознание Физико-математические науки Химия Науки о Земле Биологические науки Техника Сельское и лесное хозяйство Медицина Социальные науки. Обществознание Исторические науки Экономика Политика Право Военное дело Культурология Науковедение Образование Физическая культура СМИ и книжное дело Культурно-досуговая деятельность Библиотечная, библиографическая и научно-информационная деятельность Охрана памятников. Музеи. Архивы Филология в целом Языкознание Фольклор Литературоведение Художественная литература Искусство Религия Философия Психология Литература универсального содержания
Показаны записи 1-20 из 54.
1Shagari Mohammed Shehu, Ogbumba Rosemary O., Yahaya SirajoA new approach to Jaggi–Wardowski-type fixed point theoremsPDF2024
2Yan XianjieLittlewood–Paley g*λ-function characterizations of Musielak–Orlicz Hardy spaces of spaces of homogeneous typePDF2024
3Touail Y.On bounded metric spaces: common fixed point results with an application to nonlinear integral equationsPDF2024
4Zikkos EliasOn complete Riesz-Fischer sequences in a Hilbert space PDF2024
5Gheribi Bochra, Moussai MadaniSome embeddings related to homogeneous Triebel-Lisorkin spaces and the BMO functions PDF2024
6Sharma Sonali, Raj KuldipA New Approach to Egorov’s Theorem by Means of αβ Statistical Ideal ConvergencePDF2023
7Akgun R.Exponential Approximation of Functions in Lebesgue Spaces with Muckenhoupt WeightPDF2023
8Keerthika V., Muhiuddin G., Elnair M. E., Elavarasan B.Hybrid Norm Product and Relation Structures in HemiringsPDF2023
9Kişi O., Gürdal M.On ℐ2 and ℐ˚2-Convergence in Almost Surely of Complex Uncertain Double Sequences PDF2023
10Puvar S. V., Vyas R. G.Rational type cyclic contraction in G-metric spacesPDF2023
11Ghosh S., Saha P., Roy S., Choudhury B. S.Strong coupled fixed points and applications to fractal generations in fuzzy metric spacesPDF2023
12Kalita H.The weak drop property and the de la Vallée Poussin TheoremPDF2023
13Saha P., Hazarika B.Variable Lebesgue Algebra on a Locally Compact GroupPDF2023
14Argyros I. K., George S., Argyros C.A Ball Comparison between Extended Modified Jarratt Methods under the same Set of Conditions for Solving Equations and Systems of EquationsPDF2022
15Choudhury B. S., Metiya N., Kundu S.A multivalued Fixed Point Result with Associated Data Dependece and Stability StudyPDF2022
16El Hamma M., Mahfoud A.Generalization of Titchmarsh’s Theorem for the First Hankel-Clifford Transform in the Space Lpm ((O, + ∞))PDF2022
17Touail Y.On Multivalued ⊥ΨF - Contractions on Generalized Orthogonal Sets with an Application to Iintegral InclusionsPDF2022
18Rahimlou Gh.Weaving Continuous K-Frames in Hilbert SpacesPDF2022
19Laadjal B., Saibi K., Melkemi O., Mokhtari Z.Weighted Variable Hardy Spaces Associated with Operators Satisfying Davies-Gaffney EstimatesPDF2022
20Puvar S. V., Vyas R. G.´Ciri´C-Type Results in Quasi-Metric Spaces and G-Metric Spaces Using Simulation FunctionPDF2022